date posted: 09/07/2021

Dear families,



The school reports for your child are ready to go out. The report provides an overview of how your child is doing, both socially and emotionally as well as academically. As we are not meeting in person this year for a parents meeting, we will put your child's report on Seesaw on Monday afternoon. The report will contain much of the information you spoke to your child's teacher about recently on the phone. Please read the report carefully. If there is anything you would like to discuss further, then please arrange a telephone call with the teacher on Seesaw. A hard copy of the report is also available on request. Nursery parents will receive a paper copy as Seesaw is not as integrated into school life as much as it is in the rest of the school. 


I fully understand the importance of the link between parent and teacher and I know that communication through Seesaw has been effective in the circumstances. I will reconsider parents meetings again in the Autumn.​ It is frustrating that there are restrictions to visitors in school, but we have to remain cautious to protect the whole community. We all know there are schools with classes isolating at the moment, and it is still not clear about the implications for vaccinated people, particularly those who are vulnerable of getting the virus. So I am looking to be careful about what I commit to in the coming weeks.



On Thursday 15th, the staff want to make the day special for the the year 6 children who have missed so many of their key experiences of the last year in school. There is a special event just for these children in the playground with a bouncy castle, candyfloss and popcorn, photo booth, bingo, gaming area, arts and crafts, music, food and drink. The session takes place between 3.30 - 5.00pm



On Tuesday 20th July, it is the key stage 2 and key stage 1 sports day. This will take place at the Linford Christie Stadium for key stage 2 and in school for key stage 1. We have enquired this week and the Linford Christie is still having no spectators at the stadium that week. This may still change. We will contact the stadium again to see if their policy changes. In this case and for the reasons indicated above, parents will not be able to come to watch either in school or at the stadium. I do not like to do this and I really hope that next academic year will be back to a more normal timetable event, but feel for the safety of the whole school community, this has to be the case.



As a football fan, I am looking forward to the game on Sunday evening. I know that many of the older children may also want to watch the match and may got to bed later than usual. For this reason we will have a soft start on Monday morning. School will open at 8.45am and Breakfast Club will be open as usual for working parents and those not interested in football. For those who do have a late night, registers will be taken at 10.00am. Any child not in school by this time will be marked late and will not get a school lunch. We will speak in school to the children about the IPC values that the team's success has on the community and the country, please also do this at home. Education is important but Sunday is a key moment and we should enjoy this and use it to talk about resilience, adaptability, and communication.

Enjoy your weekend and still stay safe. 

Best wishes

Joe Brown                                           

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