Old Oak Update 16.09.22

date posted: 16/09/2022
Dear families,
It was lovely to see so many parents at the first coffee morning on Wednesday this week. We had some lovely discussions about the school and education on the day. These will take place every month and we look forward to the next event in October.
*School closure – Monday 19th September*
Can we remind you that school will be closed as a bank holiday for the Queen’s funeral next Monday, 19th September. School will be open again as usual on Tuesday 20th September.
*Reminder: Class Welcome Meetings: 23rd September*
Please make sure you have the date Friday, 23rd September in your diary. The welcome event in your child’s class will take place between 2.30-3.00pm in the classroom. Please come to the gate/playground where you drop off and pick up your child at 2.20pm and a child or member of staff will take you to your child’s class.
*Care for Children out of school*
Please take care of all your children on the roads outside of school as the roads can get busy. If you do have a car, please park away from the school and walk to the gates. An accident will happen otherwise.
*Black History Month*
Black History Month is approaching and we plan to celebrate during the last week of term 17th-24th October. We are hoping to make this a real community event and involve parents and local families. If you think you could contribute by sharing music, stories or history then we are looking for parent volunteers to come into school and share this with the children. There is a meeting taking place on Friday 23rd September after school in the Year 2 classroom for staff and parents to get together and share ideas. Please come along if you think you could help! Ask a member of staff if you need help finding the room.
During the afternoon of Friday 24th October we plan to have a celebration of black culture for all families in the Key Stage 2 playground. If you could think you could provide traditional food then this would be greatly appreciated. More information will follow on this nearer the time.
*Curriculum Maps*
Please look out for the curriculum map for your class on Seesaw this week. This is information for you about the sorts of things the children will be learning this year. Remember that reading every day with or to your child is one of the best ways to support your children’s learning across the curriculum.
*West London Zone Evaluation*
All children in Year 1-6 will have received a form today from our West London Zone partner. The school works closely with West London Zone, which is an early intervention programme for children. West London Zone are carrying out some research through the UCL Institute of Education, studying how children learn and how learning can be made better. However if DO NOT wish to take part, please complete the form and return to school within 14 days. More information on the evaluation has been sent home on Seesaw if you wish to know more.
*Payments to school*
We apologise for the problems with the Pay 360 payment app which has not been working recently. It is up and running now and any payments required can be made now.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Beardsworth and Mr. Brown