Old Oak Update 23.09.22

date posted: 23/09/2022
Dear families,
Thank you for finding the time to attend your child’s welcome event in class this afternoon. Your child’s education is so important and is a partnership between home and school. We will be successful together, so any time and attention you can give to your child is valuable. We will hold further workshops for parent soon to help you to understand the best ways to help your child. Look out for these in these updates.
*Vision Statement*
We have below our Vision Statement for the children of our school. The vision statement captures our aims as a school for your children over their time here. Please read this carefully. We will discuss this at our next coffee morning and value contributions from families towards this.
Old Oak Primary School
Vision Statement
We believe that every child should enjoy their education and be happy, healthy and safe at school. We will value all our children for their individuality, culture and heritage. Our children will respect themselves and others and have an understanding of their role in school and the wider community.
Our children will have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in their academic, creative, emotional and social, physical, moral and spiritual development. They will know how to learn through the application of knowledge and skills, leading to further and deeper understanding. We are committed to providing a place of excellence with high standards.
The learning experience and environment will be creative, challenging, exciting, stimulating, relevant and forward thinking.
Our school will always be a caring place where children and adults make a valuable contribution and are inspired to be and think for themselves, feeling confident and prepared to meet new challenges.
Learning will be recognised and celebrated by children and adults. We believe effective partnerships between children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community are central to the success of our children.
*Black History Month - 17th-24th October *
Once again thank you to the families who came to the planning meeting this afternoon after school. We have events planned in school but we know that parents and carers are able to support this as well. We look forward to the range of activities in school and the partnership with yourselves as well.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to 1). Come to school every day and 2). To make sure that you inform the school if your child is unwell and unable to come in. Please give an update every morning. Many families are very good and do this. But there are still some families where we have to chase this up. If families do not inform the school regularly then we will consider this as a child protection issue and record this in school. Also remember that no child can be removed during school time without evidence of an appointment.
*MUSIC at Old Oak*
Music remains a big part of school life. All children in key stage 1 and 2 will learn an instrument again this term. Your child will experience a string instrument (Ukulele), wind instrument (recorder) or a percussion instrument (drums) during their time at the school. From this experience, we hope that your child will discover a passion and talent for one or more, and they will take this further as they get older. We also have a school choir who perform at school and local authority events throughout the year and there is also a drumming club after school on Fridays for children in key stage 2. We have worked closely in nursery and reception with the Royal College of Music for several years and hope to continue this partnership again this year.
A recommended book this week is The Accidental Stowaway by Judith Eagle. The review says: “Trapped on-board an ocean liner bound for New York, Patch must think on her feet to solve a fiendish mystery in Eagle's slice of gripping historical fiction.” This book is available at Shepherds Bush library, on Kindle or to listen to on Audible.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Beardsworth and Mr. Brown