Anti Bullying

At Old Oak we are strong believers of prevention.  Preventing bullying makes it easier to respond when incidents occur.

The whole school community know that bullying is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Staff are vigilant of bullying behaviours as sometimes children do not realise they are being bullied. 


What is bullying?

Bullying is deliberately continual, repetitive, planned anti-social behaviour towards another person. This hurtful behaviour makes it difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.  It includes physical violence, name calling including racist and sexist remarks, cyber-bullying, intimidation including demanding property and excluding a child. Bullying also may be related to Special Educational Needs or home circumstances such as being a Young Carer or living in poverty.


Bullying is not the odd occasion when friends fall out, or arguments or when the occasional ‘joke’ is played on someone. When occasional problems of this kind arise it is not classed as bullying. It is an important part of growing up to learn how to deal with friendship breakdowns. The children need to learn how to deal with these situations and develop social skills to repair relationships. It is important to understand this.


If your child is being bullied:

  1. They might not tell you but there are signs in their behaviour that MAY be caused by bullying. Your child might be withdrawn, off their food, more aggressive or naughty than usual.  They might also have nightmares and wet the bed. They may not want to come to school, start to ask for money or have unexplained cuts or bruises. In the case of Cyber Bullying they may become jumpy if they receive a cyber message. Have a chat with them and see whether they are being bullied.

  2. Come into school and make an appointment to talk to the class teacher or Learning Mentor.

  3. The staff member will need to collect and record evidence from your child, other children and adults who have witnessed any incidents.  They will also talk to the accused bully and then talk to your child and the bully together to begin the resolution process. This will give a clearer picture of the situation and is vital before the parents of the bully are contacted.

  4. The child will be encouraged to report any further incidences to the teacher.  If necessary, other members of staff will be informed so they are aware and know what to look out for. Also your child will be given help on how to cope: not to retaliate, ignore, to walk away. We will keep in regular contact with you regarding this.