Music At Old Oak

At Old Oak, we believe in the ability of music to improve the learning and well-being of children and staff alike. Music is a real focus of the school, with all year groups having curriculum time with a qualified musician.

Programmes across the school include:

  • Year 1 Rastamouse Programme 

  • Year 2 Ukes and Sticks Programme

  • Year 3 Recorders 

  • Year 4 Recorders 

  • Year 5 Ukuleles 

  • Year 6 Drums 

In addition to the weekly Music Hub provision-


Singing assemblies take place weekly for Key stage 1 and 2- we use ‘sing up’ and the ‘model music curriculum’ to plan and deliver these assemblies.


The school choir practises every Monday lunchtime and they take part in school, community and local authority events. The choir took place in a tri borough Christmas massed choir at Kensington hall which was a great success. The choir perform for the school in assemblies and in the summer term they perform to families in a whole school music concert.


The Nativity is always a success and comments from parents are always very positive. Attendances at the two performances are very good and parents are encouraged to really support the event.


The Carol Concert grows every year. It is now a showcase for the music which takes place across Key Stage 2. The Christmas story is told with musical interludes including songs from the whole school and the choir.


The end of year performance by the Year 6 children is a highlight of the summer. The preparations for this musical extravaganza begin in June and the children enjoy and rise to the challenge of producing a wonderful polished performance for the school community.


In the summer term we hold a music concert where children across the school showcase the instruments they have been learning- parents are invited to attend this concert.


The children in Key stage two have the opportunity to attend a drumming club after school.