
As a community school, we have events that bring the school community together. These are related to the curriculum or to broader school life.


The early years and key stage 1 classes hold regular opportunities for parents to visit the class. In the Nursery, there are regular sessions where the parents are able to spend time with their children to look at their books and experience the nursery for themselves.


In the Reception classes, parents are encouraged to attend the Family Friday events to observe a teaching input and to practice an activity with their child. The parents are able to take home the activity and can continue to practice this at home.


Regular parents information sessions take place throughout the year in which they can learn about aspects of the English and Maths curriculum. Previous topics have included early reading, teaching phonics and teaching calculations. These are repeated every year. We also have themed weeks, including Big Book Week, Library Week, and Enterprise Week.


In Enterprise Week, children design and plan a product or service which they sell to the community at a market day at the end of the week. The activities are closely linked to the mathematics curriculum and the week is seen as an ideal way to combine mathematics with other areas of the curriculum - design and technology and art in particular. 


Using the International Primary Curriculum we have incorporated the ‘Exit Points’ at the end of a unit. Family members are invited into each class to look at the children’s learning through an activity or exhibition. These take place at several points across the school year.


We hold class assemblies every Wednesday morning and parents are invited into school for an hour before this to meet the headteacher/deputy headteacher and discuss school and the 



Extra-curricula events:

Year 4 and Year 6 go on a school journey for a week. Year 4 go to a farm near Beaulieu and Year 6 go to Wick Court as part of the Farms for City Children project run by Michael Morpurgo and his wife.


We celebrate many national events like Sports Relief, Red Nose Day  and World Book Day. On the special days of the year, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, we invite family members into school to celebrate with their child.


We have Old Oak picnic days at the weekends when families are invited to spend a few hours as part of the school community at a park or nature reserve easily accessible to the school. 


We work closely with the Old Oak Community Centre on events both before and after school. 


Check the website for more details of events.


For the dates of these events, please see the calendar section of the website.


We are looking forward to all the exciting events that will be taking place throughout the year. Find our planned events here:

Parents Events Calendar 2024 - 2025