The teaching of Art, Music, Drama, History, Geography and Science are all linked to the IPC. This means that each term, a different Project is chosen and these areas approached via the curriculum. It also provides many opportunities for links to English, ICT, P.E and Maths.
The IPC is an exciting, cross-curricular, skills based curriculum with specific learning goals, It ensures that learning is enjoyable, active and meaningful for the children. Many of our families come from around the world with very diverse backgrounds and the IPC is a fantastic way for all our children to understand our 'Global' community.
The curriculum is made up of units for each year group which can be adapted to suit the class. Our annual Route Planner shows the different units that each class will study across the year.
The units have exciting names such as Time Travellers, the Magic Toymaker and The Great, the Bold and the Brave. The unit always begins with an Entry Point, which is a special event to excite and motivate the learners.
The children are really enjoying the IPC and certainly seem motivated to learn.If you would like to know more about the unit being covered in class, this will be shown on the curriculum map given out to all parents at the beginning of each term; these maps can also be found on the class pages. Perhaps the best way to learn about the IPC is to ask your child about their learning in school and let them explain!
If you would like to discover more about this curriculum, then visit:
International Primary Curriculum