Welcome to Year 2 Acacia Class!

Acacia Class will have a very busy Autumn term and will be setting a a good example to the Year 1 children as they are now used to the school routines and expectations learned from the previous year. They will begin the year with our IPC unit 'All about me' where the children will share and discover all about themselves and their world around them. This also will link to our PSHE lessons where we will continue to develop how we express our feelings and how to show kindness, respect and empathy to one another.

We will be reading some exciting books that will be our focus texts for our English lessons - Handa's Surprise (by Eileen Brown) and 'Look UP!' (by Nathan Bryon). Both of which are books that help us to celebrate Black culture and people in line with our Black History month celebrations in October.

In Maths, children will be developing their reasoning skills as we experiment with numbers up to 100, finding different representations for tens and ones for Place Value. They will also extend their learning on how to add and subtract with one and two digit numbers by using the column method.

There will be also some exciting trips planned but more importantly, towards the end of the term and following Old Oak Primary School tradition, the children will get to showcase their performing talents as we will be preparing for their Nativity show before we break up for the Christmas break.

This jam packed term will be full of fun learning as we continue to collaborate, communicate and show how resilient we can be when we come across challenges. We have been impressed with how quickly settled the Year 2 children have been and they are so eager to learn!

Autumn Class Letter

Autumn Curriculum Map