Welcome to Year 4 Magnolia Class!

Welcome back to Magnolia Class. The children have returned to school: taller, more mature and with a great positive attitude. This term we have been working on our IPC Learning Goals and ensuring that in every lesson we work as a team.

In IPC we are learning about Sound. We are investigating pitch and volume using musical instruments. For our homework project we will be making our own junk modelling instruments. In class, we have already conducted a number of investigations. We have made water jump out of a bowl and we have made a ping pong ball swing through the air without touching them. Sound waves did this! We cannot wait to learn more about vibrations and how they work.

In English we are studying the poetry of Valerie Bloom and learning about her life. She is one of our Black History heroes and we are writing biographies all about her to share with the rest of the school. Her poetry is full of rhythm, rhyme, imagery and everyday life. We are really enjoying reading and performing the poems out loud, as well as writing our own.

Later in the term, we are going to study Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx, a graphic novel by Joe Todd Stanton. This will link directly with our IPC topic, Temples, Tombs and Treasures. We will be finding out about the ancient Egyptians. We are so excited to discover the history of Ancient Egypt! Mummies, gods and goddesses and the treasure of the boy king, Tutankhamun!!

In Maths we are looking at Place Value and reviewing all our number facts from Year 3. Every Friday we pushing ourselves to learn our multiplication facts to x12 and competing against ourselves to get faster each week.

Every week we are having our usual football sessions with Mike, the QPR coach. We also have our own P.E. lessons: playing games, studying dance and learning about healthy bodies and exercise.

We have a new Music teacher this year – Mikey. We have already learnt two new tunes on the recorder and we like the IWB games we play to learn notes and read notation.

In Art and DT we have been thinking about Autumn colours and shapes. We are trying to find the largest leaf we can and the leaf with the prettiest autumnal colours. These will inspire our art work.

As the days get shorter we are hoping to fill our classroom with colour and light as the Festivals of Light all begin. We can’t wait to share photos and updates of our work and activities.

Miss Morley and Bridget