Welcome to Reception Peach Class!

We are having a very busy term in Peach Class. We are now finishing our topic of ‘Houses and Homes’. We have thought about our homes, animal homes and we have even thought about homes in other countries. We walked around our local area and made maps and next week we are going to make animal homes on the Scrubs. Next half term we will begin our topic of ‘Space’. We will be doing lots of writing, counting and creative activities linked to our topic.

We are thoroughly enjoying learning about ‘Growing and Changing’ in Peach Class and have grown cress, bean plants and watched caterpillars grow and change! In a few weeks we’re going to have the joy of watches ducklings hatch! This term we are going to start getting ready to move on to Year 1. We will be visiting the Year 1 classroom, having sessions with our new teacher and enjoying time in the Key Stage 1 playground. We are ready!

Spring Class Letter

Spring Curriculum Map

Summer Plan