Welcome to Year 3 Chestnut Class!

These first few weeks of the autumn term in Chestnut class have been all about settling in to KS2 and new routines.

Our Power of Reading book this half-term is Gregory Cool – the story of a young boy who travels to the Caribbean island of Tobago to visit his grandparents and cousin. The children have been researching Tobago and sharing their knowledge as they prepare to write a fact file all about the tropical island.

As always, our Power of Reading book links with our IPC topic which is the geography based unit Island Life. We have been using Google Earth to identify islands around the world, as well as learn more about the island we all live on – the United Kingdom. During this half term, the children will further their knowledge of giving directions following the 8-point compass, understanding map grid references and keys, and learn about the water cycle.

In maths we have started the year with place value, which includes representing and partitioning numbers up to 1,000. Looking ahead, over the next half-term we will be focussing on addition and subtraction, with a specific focus on the column methods. Our next Power of Reading book is The Pugs of the Frozen North, and our second IPC topic will be Feel the Force.


Autumn Class Letter

Autumn Curriculum Map